oin AllMindset
Speaking and pofessional presenters have a high demand across several industries. We offer a platform for existing speakers to expose their brand and presentation expertise to global clients seeking your services.
If you are already established with experience and a proven track record and would like to be featured on our directory of speakers, click here. If you need to polish up your skills, strengthen your own brand and catch up to new era strategies, click here.
We offer non exclusive freelance, independent hiring in addition to agent solicited bookings.
Increase Credability
Sourced As a Professional
Partner Bookings
Based on experience and skill, many professional speakers generate over $300,000 of income. Do not underestimate this demand and unprecedented opportunity.
AllMindset has become a reputable provider of stage and educating talent. From brand building, outside the box marketing, bringing immediate awareness to campaigns and conferences, we have established a strong brand awareness and set the bar for seeking great keynote speakers and stage presenters.
We have a globally syndicated Top Business Podcast, featuring past guests such as Grant Cardone syndicated over every distribution channel, connected with Google Voice and Alexa on demand, many clients search for a speaker using our online directory.
In today's competitive environment, it's important that you are edified and verified with credibility. Our speakers have the flexibility of independent freelance speaking in which we don't take a commission from your projects, we also offer agent solicited events where our staff aligns inbound request from various organizations with your expertise. We source and showcase your efforts with a profile page, including a customized URL belonging only to you with your contact info and social media links. See an actual speaker profile here.
Here's the great news! Should you are already be established with experience and a proven track record and simply like to be featured on our directory of speakers, click here.
With such high demand, we are always seeking to partner with, educate and qualify additional speakers that like to master the stage and become a keynote expert and "go to". If you like to learn more, click here.

So you have found your passion, you love speaking and know you can help the masses increase their success! Perfect, the only challenge is how does one learn about you, your services, where do they find you? By being sourced in our directory you can increase your awareness.
By enlisting with AllMindset as a professional speaker, clients can find you via our "Find an expert" search tool. You can list your photo, a bio, links to your social media links and even include testimonials and direct contact info from interested prospects.
This is the most exciting, fun and creative career and full of income opportunity. Imagine living on your schedule, working remotely from anywhere around the globe helping clients become more educated through teaching from teh stage. In addition to being a speaker, we have a network of experts to not only help you, but train and educate many entry level speakers. We invest time and knowledge to make sure you provide the greatest value to those seeking your services. Contact us to learn more.
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